Contact Us

Contact the clinic.

975 Terminal Ave N.
Nanaimo, BC, Canada
V9S 4K3

P 250.753.6322
F 250.753.6321

Book online

Clinic office hours.

Please note: the following hours are our administrative hours, although emails will be checked most evenings.

Monday 9am-5pm
Tuesday 9am-5pm
Wednesday 9am-5pm
Thursday 9am-5pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 9am-3pm
Sunday Closed

Practitioner hours.

For details on a particular RMT’s schedule, please view our online booking portal or give the clinic a call.

Testimonial for Knead Registered Massage Therapy

“Bev’s extraordinary healing talent has had a huge impact on my life. You will not find a more genuine, caring, thoughtful, and professional RMT.”


Read more testimonials